ramadan increases your physical hunger. more importantly, it nurtures as well as sustains a spiritual hunger for reflection and renewal. this is the most beautiful hunger.

Monday, August 24, 2009

3: his body swallowed bullets & pluots were sliced.

Innalil lahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun, to Allah we belong and to Him is our return.

my auntie has a photo album with nothing but obituaries from the 70s.

i tried to write last night, but had some difficulty. tired, mentally and physically. i also didn't know what to say. my cousin, brandon jamal perrry was shot and killed on saturday night. shot in the head. his sister is in critical condition. this is the night after ricardo cortez, jr. was shot and killed outside my masjid as i was reading surah baqarah.
Then around 11:45 p.m. in Hyde Park, one was killed and four were injured after a rifle wielding suspect exited a car and began shooting at a group of people standing in front of a home on the 6400 block of South 7th Street. 17-year-old Brandon Jamal Perry was shot in the face and later died. Two others were transported to the hospital and one was treated and released at the scene. read more
in other news, i had lentil tacos & sliced pluots. food doesn't seem so important when all of this happens.


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